The ultimate Bill Clinton portrait

There is a huge, critical article on former President Clinton’s life, character, and habits since leaving the Oval Office by Todd Purdom (husband of former Clinton press secretary Dee Dee Myers) at Vanity Fair, and the Clinton camp has responded to it with a long memo, as reported at Politico. In the discussion about it at, an L-dotter lets loose with an impressive and profane catalog of Clinton’s attributes and shortcomings, and it’s so good I’ve copied it below. WARNING. VFR in this entry departs from its normal policy of not posting vulgar language. If you are offended by vulgar language, do not read further.

Reply 10—Posted by: uno, 6/1/2008 7:50:23 PM

Clinton should be grateful that the magazine soft-pedaled it by not publishing the short list of his key attributes including being a draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, womanizing rapist, masturbating pervert, finger wagging liar, despicable, self-centered, self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, power hungry, money grubbing thief, influence peddler, rotten, lousy sleaze-bag in general who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred who will forever be known as the low-life bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll that dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas outhouse while traveling around the world personally cashing in on selling our nation’s secrets and indeed the Presidency of the United States of America, along with Whitewater, Castle Grande, Madison Guarantee, Cattle Futures, Pardons for criminals, under the table ChiCom cash, Charlie Trie, the Riadies, Rich, Sandy (the thief) Berger, having an administration with the most convictions and guilty pleas, a Cabinet full of officials under criminal investigations and, oh yeah, getting a blow job from a barely legal intern in the Oval Office!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 02, 2008 05:24 PM | Send

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