The fatal consequences of thinking the problem is terrorism and jihad, not sharia

Commenting on a failed suicide bomb attack by an incompetent terrorist in a London restaurant, Ed Morrissey writes:

The attack serves as a reminder that London remains a high-priority target of the radical Islamists. However, their resources appear to get thinner and thinner, which shows that radical and violent jihad may have lost its luster as much in Europe as it has in Iraq.

The methods used by Muslims to spread the power of Islam change from time to time and from place to place, as convenience and the Koran direct. The underlying reality of Islam and its program of world Islamization does not change. If terrorism and terrorist attacks decline, the sort of “conservatives” who only oppose “Islamo-fascism” and terrorism, but not Islam itself, will feel that we have “won the war,” even as Islam and sharia law continue to gain power in our societies.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 23, 2008 11:40 AM | Send

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