Derb gets wrist slapped by Jonah

The disintegration of John Derbyshire, facilitated and enabled by the editors of National Review who let him publish whatever he wants, and consisting in, among other things, increasingly wild-swinging ad hominem attacks, has gone to the point that the original teeny-con himself, Jonah Goldberg, formerly a steady practitioner of bathroom humor but now a “wise head” compared to the Derb, donnishly reproves him at the Corner:

Your response, however, I think is a bit wanting in tone and argumentation.

See also Yuval Levin’s rational and polite reply to Derbyshire’s fulminating attack on a writer who, because he criticized Steven Pinker, Derb describes as a “witless snot-faced child tugging on Superman’s cape.”

Derbyshire, having rejected not only God but everything that can’t be reduced to matter, now makes gods—or at least supermen—out of atheist reductionist scientists such as Steven Pinker.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 21, 2008 08:22 AM | Send

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