Attack Obama on the real issue, not on a photo montage on a magazine cover

Alex H. writes:

At LGF, there’s a piece, Rev. Wright’s Magazine Featured Obama on Cover with Farrakhan.

LA replies:

But there are all kinds of “respectable” people on the cover too. So it’s Obama, along with various respectables, along with Farrakhan. It’s not Obama and Farrakhan. It’s Obama and a bunch of others with Farrakhan stuck in. I don’t know that anything can be made of that.

Now if LGF could dig up a photo of a Celtic cross on Obama’s bookshelf …

Alex H. replies:

Yes, I see—that’s exactly how the ball would bounce.

LA replies:

More significant than the magazine cover is Obama’s actual participation in that Farrakhanite, James Cone-ite church. Trinity Church follows—and Jeremiah Wright is considered the leading exponent of—the black racist theology of James Cone, which teaches that the god of black people hates white people and wants to destroy them all.

It’s the most vile race hatred in America—and the Democratic party is about to nominate a man who has married himself to it for his entire adult life.

No wonder Obama has feelers out for Hamas. The Hamas constitution is to Israel what the theology of Trinity Church is to America.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 13, 2008 11:16 PM | Send

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