The ruling powers of the West seek to destroy it, cont.

George R. writes from England:

How to extend white guilt amongst French youngsters for past slavery in Africa. This links directly to the political Left’s eulogising of late Aime Cesaire, whose extolling of ‘negritude’ was/is widely applauded on Left.

Also, here’s an example of the same thing in the UK. And also in the U.S.: “History textbooks promoting Islam”

LA replies:

The most important thing to understand is that the entire Western world is under the equivalent of a Soviet regime intent on its destruction. People don’t see this because of the “radical mainstream” syndrome: extreme radicalism which presents itself as normal, and which ordinary people accept as normal. The only hope is that people stop seeing their present governments and ideologies as normal and start recognizing them as radically evil forces that have taken them over and that they must resist and challenge if they are to survive. Complaints and critiques won’t change anything essential. Each of the countries of the West needs the equivalent of the dissidents in the old Soviet Union, not crazies and cranks, but responsible people who can, individually and collectively, denounce the existing regime from a position of moral authority and organize resistance to it.

Also, on a seemingly minor but revealing point, here’s the headline of the article:

Sarkozy says primary school pupils to study slavery

Here’s part of the body of the article:

“I want the works of Aime Cesaire to be included in the new school curricula for lower and upper secondary school,” Sarkozy said.

The headline says primary schools, the article says secondary school. No one at the newspaper noticed. Journalism today is beyond a joke.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 13, 2008 10:02 AM | Send

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