Obama automatically blames everything he does wrong on his staff

I can’t believe it, a reporter at a major news network has actually dug up damaging facts about a national liberal politician. Jake Tapper of ABC gives the lowdown on ten incidents in which Barack Obama shoved the responsibility for his own screw-ups onto his staff. The most incredible one: In November 2006 Obama told the Chicago Sun-Times that he had never been asked to do anything on behalf of his friend Tony Rezko’s business interests. The Sun-Times subsequently learned that Obama in October 1998 had sent a letter to city and state housing officials in behalf of a housing project Rezko was working on. In March 2008 the Sun-Times asked Obama about the discrepancy, and Obama said that he knew nothing of the letter, that his staff sent out such letters constantly without his knowledge.

His office sent a letter of recommendation concerning such a large matter as a housing project and Obama knew nothing about it?

Here’s a likely explanation. Rezko said to Obama, “I have a problem in getting approval for this housing project.” That’s all he had to say . He did not actually ask Obama to send the letter, so Obama was technically telling the truth when he said that he had never been “asked” to do anything for Rezko.

The man lies with Clintonesque speed and effortlessness. The only difference is that he’s clean-cut.

Tapper concludes:

And for the record, yet again, let me state that I find Sen. Obama’s staff unfailingly competent and polite, courteous and efficient, and I once again express my regret that Sen. Obama does apparently not feel the same way.

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Adela G. writes:

So Obama automaticaly blames everything he does wrong on his staff.

And this signifies what, exactly? Some sort of problem for Obama’s candidacy? The need for damage control?

Obama is not fit to be POTUS if you accept the premise that someone seeking to represent a group should, in fact, be representative of that group, or at least of a majority of it. He not only is not of the white Christian majority America, he is openly antagonistic toward it. Beside that seminal fact, his mendacity about his staff is small potatoes indeed.

Based on my observations so far this election year, there is literally nothing I can think of that Obama can do—or not do—that would imperil his candidacy. Because he’s a black man running for president in a country taken over by modern liberalism.

LA replies:

I thought the Tapper article was a significant piece of reporting, giving a sense of how Obama handles things and answers questions about specific matters. Adela seems to think that because she knows enough about Obama to know he’s not fit for the office, nothing more needs to be known. But the fact that Obama is an anti-American, etc. isn’t the only thing about him.

Adela G. replies:
Mr. Auster writes: “Adela seems to think that because she knows enough about Obama to know he’s not fit for the office, nothing more needs to be known.”

I was unaware I’d given that impression. I guess that will teach me to submit an entry to VFR while my formal attire is at the cleaner’s!

I believe that nothing that becomes known about Obama is likely to derail his candidacy. Any negative that does become known will be of little interest to his supporters and therefore of little use to his detractors during his candidacy. The large swathe of those in the middle are likely to give him the benefit of the doubt, because they don’t want to seem or to be racist and because the leftist-controlled media will suppress or distort information to Obama’s advantage.

But there is the awful possibility of his presidency to consider. How he will deal with occupying an office for which he is not fit will be interesting, to say the least.

You also write: “But the fact that Obama is an anti-American, etc. isn’t the only thing about him.” No, but given that he wants to be POTUS, surely it is one of the most salient facts about him.

Obama is being given a free pass by so many because he’s black. I don’t expect that to change if he is elected. Whatever he does right will be lauded as proof a black man can lead America. Whatever he does wrong will be denounced as proof that his efforts to govern are being thwarted/opposed/undermined by the same white supremacist American system that his pastor and mentor denounces and damns.

So my guess is that any facts about Obama that come to light won’t have the significant impact on either his candidacy or his presidency that we would otherwise expect. I base that on the fact that he is an even more viable candidate now than he was before the revelations about Wright and his own remarks about whites. What should have destroyed him as a candidate (and assuredly would have destroyed any other candidacy) has only made him stronger. Legitimate questions about his campaign and background have been spun as rightwing racism or the Clinton machine’s smear tactics. It’s remarkable, really, in a horrifying way.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 12, 2008 10:28 PM | Send

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