Another example of how the right has blown it

A reader recommended an undated video of Arthur Kemp of the BNP giving a speech. I liked it for a while, as Kemp was speaking forcefully about the right of British people, white people, to maintain their own country. This is an argument that needs to be made openly and unabashedly. But then Kemp bizarrely veered off into such statements as that terrorism exists because of the “illegal war on Iraq,” and that Tony Blair must be “tried for war crimes” for supporting the U.S. in the Iraq war, and that terrorism is caused by British foreign policy, and that the Iraq war was waged for Israel’s sake.

I know that Nick Griffin, the head of the BNP, had rejected such views in recent years. But the marriage of legitimate concern about Western cultural and demographic survival with anti-Israel obsessiveness and leftist-style whitewashing of Islam—of the type seen most clearly in America at the misnamed The American Conservative, a magazine published and edited by a passionate partisan of the Palestinian cause, Scott McConnell—exemplify a right wing that has tragically gone off the rails. I have been arguing against such right-wing delusions for the entire history of this website.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 08, 2008 10:03 AM | Send

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