Another voice for the Thousand Year Iraq

Andrew McCarthy is far more realistic than most neocons on the subject of Islam, but when it comes to Iraq his thoughts are the same as theirs. He tells Rush Limbaugh that we must stay in Iraq at all costs and not withdraw, because if we withdraw, that will convince our enemies that we are weak and they will be emboldened:

… we have a need to show them [Al Qaeda] that however long it takes, we’re going to do what has to be done to win…

But since, as I’ve been saying for almost five years (and the surge doesn’t change it), we have no strategy to win, and since as soon as we lessen our forces the insurgency and the various dimensions of civil conflict among Iraq’s factions will automatically increase again, requiring us to increase our force levels again, what McCarthy really means is that we must stay in Iraq, FOREVER.

And for what? Not for anything objective we are seeking to achieve for our own benefit, but only to avoid the supposed humiliation of pulling our forces out of a country where the BEST we have to gain is the security of a Muslim Shi’ite government that will never be our friend.

We must not lose face, says McCarthy. But, as I see it, the loss of face is in spending our country’s energies and the lives and limbs of its young men in defending a society that belongs to a religion that is our enemy and always will be. Changing our policy from the foppish and self-defeating absurdity of democratizing Islam to the doable and necessary task of defending ourselves from Islam would not be a humiliation; it would be the end of the humiliation.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 03, 2008 03:58 PM | Send

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