Obambi: a deer caught in his own headlights?

Be sure to see Charles Krauthammer’s well-reasoned, merciless dissection of Obama. His central point: Six weeks ago, Obama blamed whites’ “surprise” at Wright’s “anger” on racial segregation, meaning that their surprise at Wright was their own, racist fault. This week, Obama says that he himself is surprised and shocked at Wright’s anger.

And this confused young man, who doesn’t know who he is or where he’s been or what he’s been hearing for the last 20 years, wants to be the president of the United States?

That last sentence requires taking Obama at his word. Krauthammer has a different view. So long as Wright’s statements on AIDS, on the U.S. as a terrorist country, etc., were in “snippets” from past sermons that had been “taken out of context” and “endlessly replayed on a loop,” Obama could claim, as he did on March 18, that Wright’s real message was being misunderstood. But once Wright made exactly the same statements in an hour long televised appearance at the National Press Club, the “out of context” excuse was blown, and Obama’s advisors told him he had no choice but to let the reverend go.

Bottom line: Obama is either too naive for life on this earth, let alone for the presidency; or Obama is a serial liar.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 02, 2008 07:38 PM | Send

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