Protesting the anti-Obama wave: what about McCain?

Carol Iannone writes:

Rush Limbaugh is going on and on about Obama’s comments about working class people being bitter and turning to religion and so forth. A moment’s thought would reveal that John McCain believes the same things. Look at his comments on immigration. Obviously aimed against ethnics and rednecks whom he considers nativist because they are beginning to see current levels of mass Third World immigration, legal and illegal, as a threat. And this is after years of being browbeaten by such as McCain that immigration is the Second Coming and that anyone who gainsays that is racist, nativist, and xenophobic. McCain says we’re only an idea, not a culture, then he turns around and invokes Judeo Christian values, not to assert the integrity of the foundations of our culture, but to appeal to the religious sensibilities of these same ethnics and rednecks and make them feel guilty about not granting amnesty to twelve million illegals.

Remember when he said, “If they want the the g_____n fence, I’ll build it,” in obvious contempt. Remember when he said to a group, none of you would work for the amount the illegals are working for, in obvious contempt for what he considers lazy, union supported ethnics. To his amazement, a number of people in that audience volunteered to work for the wages he hypothetically offered to pay. He was surprised. Why? Because he is out of touch with the working class.

As I wrote a few months ago the Phi Beta Cons blog:

John McCain discounts culture as an element of American identity, asserting that we are founded only on an idea, liberty. At the same time, he declares that other cultures immigrating into the United States can only enrich us:

If there was ever such a thing as a noble cause, it is the one we are embarked on now. Anyone who is afraid that somehow our culture will be anything but enriched by fresh blood and culture, in my view, has a distorted view of history and has a pessimistic view of our future.

Note in the quotation above how he suddenly recovers our “culture,” not to assert its integrity, but only to be able to declare it “enriched” by other cultures coming here.

In conclusion, Obama is just more honest. But the Republicans have nothing better to offer.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 14, 2008 01:37 PM | Send

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