Obama, uh, gets it?

Last Sunday Obama told a private fundraising event in ultra liberal homosexual friendly San Francisco that whites in Pennsylvania believe in God, the constitutional right of self defense, and national sovereignty because of the psychic damage inflicted on them by the poor economy of the last 16 years (or is it the last 20 years, or maybe the last 219 years?). Friday night in Terre Haute, Indiana, Obama, unbelievably, repeated those insulting remarks. But today, in Muncie, Indiana, according to the AP:

Democrat Barack Obama concedes that comments he made about bitter working class voters who cling to guns or religion were ill chosen.

Obama’s comments drew immediate criticism, including a full-throated response from Hillary Rodham Clinton, his rival for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Obama scrambled Saturday to quell the furor. Clinton’s response to his remarks is one of her lengthiest and most pointed criticisms to date.

First he MADE the grave insult; then several days later, after being roundly criticized for the grave insult, he REPEATED the grave insult; and ONLY THEN he realized that the remarks were ill-chosen?

This dude is so wrapped up in his elitist anti-Americanism that he makes Carter, Dukakis, and Kerry seem like political geniuses by comparison.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 12, 2008 04:56 PM | Send

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