More on evolutionary weirdness

Last evening I had a fascinating phone conversation with Michael Hart, author of Understanding Human History, on the subject—discussed earlier at VFR—of the cow parasite called the lancet liver fluke in particular and evolution in general, in which Mr. Hart laid out some unorthodox possibilities of how evolution might work. I wish the conversation had been recorded.

His opening point was this. He believes (just as I kept suspecting until I found the article in the Encyclopedia of Parasitology which confirmed the account in Wikipedia) that the unbelievable story of the liver fluke’s life cycle is just that, unbelievable, i.e., it’s either a hoax or a mistake. He thinks the business about the parasite taking over the ant’s nervous system and making it climb to the tips of blades of grass so that it will be eaten by cows is just too far out to be real.

However, he continued, if the account is true, how can such a bizarre thing be explained? He then laid out speculative scenarios that go beyond atheist materialism, but are also non-biblical. I hope to discuss them later.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 07, 2008 10:36 AM | Send

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