Life under the Ministry of Funny Walks

You know how we’re always hearing that sharia controls every aspect of human life, down to the smallest detail? Well, so does liberalism—EU-style. British private transport companies have come under EU regulations which require that a bus driver cannot drive more than 31 miles without a rest. If he reaches that limit, he must pull the bus over and wait for a replacement. Passengers then must move to another bus. The 31 mile limit was designed for urban routes, but is applied to rural routes.

The owner of a bus company in Cornwall says: “By allowing these rules to be implemented they’re putting the final nail in the coffin of many smaller firms…. Passengers think it’s a joke, being made to shuffle off a bus, often in the middle of nowhere, because someone in Europe says so. The rules put the driver under more pressure and stress than ever.”

Some joke.

I cannot convey the contempt and disgust I feel for the people of Europe, and especially for the British, for allowing the evil EU to take them over like this without a fight.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 03, 2008 07:09 PM | Send

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