A sign of life in Europe

Ten thousand Austrians marched in Vienna the other day to demand that there be a popular referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, which, if ratified, will to all effects and purposes create a European superstate. The Austrian parliament is scheduled to ratify the Treaty on April 9. The reader who sent me the item compares the Austrian demonstration to “the English who only bestir themselves enough to sign online petitions over the same issue!” More is needed, much more. Not ten thousand in Vienna, but 50,000, 100,000. Not just in Vienna, but in every capital in Europe. 500,000 people marching in Paris, in Berlin, in London, in Rome, against this dictatorial move to create a dictatorial transnational regime, would draw the politicians up short. Are there not a half-million people in France, in Spain, in Italy, who both oppose European unification and are willing to spend an afternoon demonstrating against it?

What brought down the Shah of Iran, who had seemed so untouchable? A million people marching in the streets of Teheran. If the people speak, if they really speak, and if the government is not willing to kill them all, then the people can change their government’s direction. They can even stop—and dismantle—the evil EU.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 30, 2008 04:49 PM | Send

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