Obama’s attendance at anti-white sermon reaches mainstream

The report at NewsMax in August 2007 (discussed by me here) that Mr. Transracial Messiah attended and nodded approvingly during a Jeremiah Wright anti-white sermon last July 22, has now reached the pages of the Los Angeles Times. This is important, because up to this point, the devastating Wright quotes and videos have mainly been talked about in the conservative Web, not in mainstream papers, even “conservative” papers. Thus the New York Post last week relegated this extremely important story to its back pages, and treated it as a routine problem that had been successfully handled by Obama’s supposed ending of his relationship with Wright. That adds up to a major cover-up job on behalf of Obama.

The Obama campaign says he was in Miami on July 22 addressing La Raza (Hey, I guess addressing the Hispanic anti-American organization called “The Race” is an improvement over listening to anti-white Wright!), and therefore the Newsmax story is not true. It’s also the case that NewsMax publishes a lot of overheated columns and is hardly the most reliable source of information. So the details on this story will have to be determined. In any case, Wright’s been giving this same message for decades, and either Obama is lying through his teeth about not knowing about it, or, as the below reader’s comment from the LA Times points out, he’s too inattentive to be president. How can a man claim to be ready to lead the United States when he doesn’t even know what his own pastor has been screaming from the pulpit for 20 years?

Obama, in short, has jumped the shark. But never forget: America has long ceased having standards. So don’t assume that jumping the shark means Obama’s “done,” as many L-dotters have been saying.

A commenter at Lucianne.com has a good angle on Obama’s mindset:

This is Obama’s “Sister Souljah” moment and he’s failing it. Either Obama is not nearly as smart as the media claims. Or maybe he is so immersed in a subculture that’s anti-American and anti-white that he really believes it’s mainstream. Is it possible he never imagined that white Americans would be offended by what Pastor Wright preaches?

Here are two good comments following the L.A. Times article:

I’m sure Obama is lying about not having heard Wright at that or any other anti-American vitriolic rant—this was July, the Sermon was posted on You Tube in August, and the speech being circulated around took place in November—so there were many such rants that should shock anyone,

BUT for sake of argument, if Obama really didn’t know about them despite all these occurrences, and the fact they were well known to many, he is too ignorant to be President. What kind of Presidential material would attend a church like that for 20 years, be close with Wright for 20 years, and not know what the man was doing? That would make for a scarily stupid President—

“Gee, I didn’t know Iran was going to do anything bad, I wasn’t there when they said they’d do it,” would be his likely response?

Claiming “absent” like he’s done at so many controversial votes is no excuse, either. Avoidance and denial, combined with the pompous rhetoric he learned from Wright = Obama.

Posted by: janet | March 16, 2008 at 10:19 PM

Simply IMPOSIBLE for Senator Obama not been aware of Wright’s philosophy. Not repudiating these comments two years ago was a mistake, not repudiating them a year ago was stupid, not repudiating them six months ago when the first report came out was stupid. Repudiating them now is not stupid, but too late. Once again: it is IMPOSIBLE for Senator Obama not been aware of Wright’s philosophy.

Posted by: Carol Steinberg | March 16, 2008 at 10:27 PM

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 17, 2008 01:52 PM | Send

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