Liberal: “True, the Koran requires death for homosexuality—but that’s not the REAL Islam!”

Libby Purves is a columnist at the London Times who specializes in matters of religion. Consider the below species of fantastically evasive reasoning by her:

Given the continuing concern over Iran’s execution of gay men, and the danger of Britain sending Mehdi Kazemi home to be hanged… let me reiterate [my view that the Iranian policy is not in any way genuinely religious]. The Qur’an indeed supports the death penalty but there is a strong tradition of mercy in Islam. Those who choose to ignore this have other motives. People who genuinely believe in God—“Allah the merciful, the compassionate”—are willing to leave Him to judge such private and victimless ‘sins’. People who lack this humility are arrogant, superstitious witch-burners, indulging their own social psychopathy. Ask any decent Muslim.

James M., who sent me the item, comments:

What is a “decent Muslim”? A Muslim who agrees with a non-Muslim liberal about how to interpret Islam.

- end of initial entry -

In his original e-mail James M. had said:

A recent post by one Libby Purves at the Times is good short proof of how far feminization is responsible for our present corruption:

LA replied:

It’s an example of bad, liberal reasoning. I don’t see what it has to do with feminization.

James M. replied:

I think it’s feminization because a woman is controlling religious reporting at the once-conservative Times. Her deputy is Joanna Sugden and her predecessor was Ruth Gedhill, who used to review services in a variety of faiths as though she were visiting a restaurant. She gave marks out of ten for “Spiritual high” and “After-service care”. The Daily Mail is another victim of feminization. Women and intellectually serious journalism do not mix: the exceptions prove the rule. Purves is no exception, as her attempt to evade the truth about Islam demonstrates.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 15, 2008 12:47 PM | Send

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