Black victimhood; Nazi socialism

While the the world is focused on the subject of black victimology (e.g., Michelle Obama’s rage against America, Madonna Constantine’s claim that Columbia Teachers College had accused her of plagiarism because she is black), a reader sends Michael Levin’s review, in the May 2000 American Renaissance, of Randall Robinson’s The Debt, the Mother of All Slavery Reparation Screeds. Be sure to read the befuddled paragraph by Robinson that Levin quotes near the end of the review.

In the same issue of AR there is a very interesting article summarizing Lothrop Stoddard’s book about Nazi Germany during the “Phony War” of 1939-1940, when Stoddard was living in Berlin as a journalist. It provides information about the totalitarian organization of life in Nazi Germany that is not often discussed. We tend to be focus on Nazi Germany as the demonic power that launched a destructive war of total conquest on Europe and a campaign of dehumanization and extermination on the Jews. We focus much less on the poliical system and way of life of Nazi Germany itself. The article presents lots of evidence for the socialist side of National Socialism, a subject some conservatives are obsessed with but which most people ignore. The ignoring is understandable, since the aspect of Nazi Germany that naturally interests us the most is not the socialist egalitarian system under which the Germans themselves lived, but the ideology of Germanic racial supremacy and racial deification that drove it to wars of annihilation on other peoples.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 26, 2008 07:50 AM | Send

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