Two movie reviews

Spencer Warren reviews two recent movies at the American Conservative Union website: “Atonement,” and “Charlie Wilson’s War.”

By the way, did anyone have the same reaction I had to the ad for “Charlie Wilson’s War,” with that photo of Tom Hanks and a glamorous and magisterial-looking Julia Roberts? From Roberts’s dress and high piled platinum hair, I assumed it was a World War II era story. In fact it takes place during the Reagan administration. But Roberts doesn’t look 1980s at all.

Here’s another oddity (actually a predictibility, if that’s a word) brought out by Mr. Warren. While the movie concerns the successful efforts by Congressman Wilson to get the Reagan administration and the Congress to back more funding to support the Mujihadeen in Afghanistan against the USSR, the movie never mentions President Reagan. Evidently the movie’s left-wing writer, Aaron Sorkin (creator of “The West Wing”), could not bear to put Reagan—who actually led the West in the defeat of the Soviet Union—in a positive light. If the left could cancel out recent history to that extent, imagine what they will do to our entire history, and country, if they take power in a Barack Obama administration.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 20, 2008 02:44 PM | Send

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