Michelle O. speech waking up non-racial, anti-Clinton Republicans to the reality of Obama

Here is most of a discussion thread at Lucianne.com responding to Michelle Obama’s speech. There are many good comments. This is the kind of thing at which Lucianne.com—the Id of the patriotic Republican grassroots—excels.

Michelle’s America

Weekly Standard, by Jonathan V. Last

Original Article

Posted By:stjohnswood, 2/19/2008 1:52:49 PM

Madison, WI—Roughly 600 people gathered at the Capitol Theater in Madison’s downtown Overture Center yesterday to listen to Michelle Obama make a pitch for her husband’s presidential bid. They were treated to a revealing glimpse into the mind of the candidate’s wife. By now one passage from her speech has received much attention. She said: For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m proud of my country.


Reply 1—Posted by: Reaganista, 2/19/2008 2:01:09 PM

I hope they keep it up. If Obama gets the nomination, with comments like these they’ll be sure to lose in November.

Reply 2—Posted by: lingillen, 2/19/2008 2:07:22 PM

Wait for her to say how she was misunderstood and what she really MEANT to say.

Reply 3—Posted by: Davids918, 2/19/2008 2:14:19 PM

I’d like to see McCain come out and state “I’ve been proud of this country my entire life, not just this year. I was even proud of my country when I was sitting in a Vietnamese prison with many others clinging to the image of America.”

Reply 4—Posted by: Blue Moon, 2/19/2008 2:16:15 PM

Really, #3. Compared to what McCain has been through in his life, Michelle Obama sounds like a spoiled brat. He has every right to be outraged over her remark.

Reply 5—Posted by: mary Ellen, 2/19/2008 2:19:03 PM

First Obama plagarizes his friend’s “words” comments. Then Michelle says for the first time in her adult life she is proud to be an American. Hillary cries and Bill sticks his finger is somebody’s face. How silly is this election year going to get before we all shot ourselves?

Reply 6—Posted by: readaholic, 2/19/2008 2:32:54 PM

Well, #5, I’d say the next level would be the Larry Sinclair allegations, now playing on Youtube.

Reply 7—Posted by: mustng66, 2/19/2008 2:33:38 PM

Anti-American fool. Well Obama the shine has come off hasn’t it?

Reply 8—Posted by: lambdaman, 2/19/2008 2:41:35 PM

Crap! I was all set to cross over and vote for Obamination in the Texas primary—seizing the opportunity to spit in the eye of the Hildabeast as it were. Now I’m not sure I can pull the lever for “one of the smartest men we will see in our lifetime” in good conscience. This chick may be more whacked out than Tahrezzah F’ing (Heinz) Kerry.

Reply 9—Posted by: Photoonist, 2/19/2008 2:44:18 PM

Wow, a Democrat couple actually worse than the clintons. Who’d have thought that they’d see such a thing in their lifetime?

Reply 10—Posted by: mamateach, 2/19/2008 2:47:15 PM

Just maybe this was meant as a veiled insult to Bubba and the Hildebeast?

Were they not in the White House during Michelle’s “adult” life?

Reply 11—Posted by: udanja99, 2/19/2008 3:03:33 PM

Someone needs to remind the poor victim that all of the things she’s complaining about were inflicted on this country by the DEMOCRAT party.

Reply 12—Posted by: Judge, 2/19/2008 3:15:43 PM

Sorry folks. She’ll get a free ride from the liberal media because she is really black, unlike her husband

Reply 13—Posted by: gandolphxx, 2/19/2008 3:42:23 PM

She wasn’t proud about taking a $275K salary and $100K fro sitting on a corporate board—guess that would be demeaning to most folks.

Reply 14—Posted by: glorybee, 2/19/2008 3:45:11 PM

She graduated from Princeton in 1985 with a major in sociology and a minor in African-American Studies. The title of her senior sociology thesis: ”Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community.”

Self-absorbed, ya think?

Reply 15—Posted by: fireball27, 2/19/2008 3:46:18 PM

And I thought ALL Americans got a chill down their spine when the first Space Shuttle went up. I know it wasn’t just me. That’s just one thing that made Americans proud since Ms.Obama has become an adult. So many more examples, but I guess even just this one proves she is an idiot.

Reply 16—Posted by: HomesickHoosier, 2/19/2008 3:50:35 PM

How anyone of her status and accomplishment couldn’t be proud of her country escapes me. Dims are born of the cup half empty mentality while I was raised with a glass half full. It was left to me to finish filling that glass, not the goobermint.

Reply 17—Posted by: AltaD, 2/19/2008 3:52:48 PM

In other words, Mrs. Obama outed herself as a beneficiary of affirmative action.

She didn’t have the test scores to get into the college of her choice and yet thanks to quotas, she was accepted.

I assumed that is how they both got where they are today and thanks to Michelle, we know that for at least one of them, it is true.

Reply 18—Posted by: IGWTrust, 2/19/2008 4:00:21 PM

I expect she’s letting the air out of O’s tires.

Reply 19—Posted by: readaholic, 2/19/2008 4:03:32 PM

#17, there was an article posted here awhile back that pointed out that BO was the first Editor of the Law Review at Harvard to not have the appointment based on achievement. He’s an affirmative action baby as well.

Reply 20—Posted by: wsdiego, 2/19/2008 4:04:57 PM

Her comments show a naivete and single mind focus on Race! Issues of world events are far more important than black reparations and revenge! If over half million white guys dieing in war and $5 trillion in welfare for 35 years doesn’t help, there will never be enough! Maybe that’s the idea!

Reply 21—Posted by: thewarden, 2/19/2008 4:12:42 PM

There are a lot of ‘Americans’ who don’t get it. I’ve always been proud to be an American. Anyone who isn’t needs some serious therapy. Michelle—keep talking, baby. You’ll sink Obama’s ship yet.

Reply 22—Posted by: msjena, 2/19/2008 4:16:40 PM

Barry was elected President of the Harvard Law Review on the nineteenth ballot, as a compromise candidate. That is the only true leadership position he has ever held. His election to the Senate was a joke, thanks to the Chicago Tribune exposing his opponent’s divorce files. How ironic it is that if Jack Ryan had simply used some of his millions to settle his divorce without rancor, Barry would probably still be a state senator. As for Michelle, she was making $320,000 a year as a “community affairs” director for U of Chgo Hospitals. Sweet.

Reply 23—Posted by: Grant, 2/19/2008 4:19:54 PM

This is the standard mindset of the yuppie left. Successful, far wealthier than the average American, yet convinced the country that enabled them to succeed is evil and repressive. As someone who went to public schools my whole life, K-MA, and is not part of any approved victim group (aka underrepresented minority), I wonder what she thinks she could have achieved had so much of society not been against her. One thing I’ve noticed about the so-called progressives, especially the yuppie ones, is that they tend to be personally unhappy, miserable even and take no personal responsibility for anything. It’s all society’s fault. At the same time, they’re entitled to whatever they can get.

Reply 24—Posted by: yottyhere, 2/19/2008 4:22:20 PM

I’m beginning not to like Mrs. Barak Obama very much.

Reply 25—Posted by: TrueBlueWfan, 2/19/2008 4:22:53 PM

I heard Sean Hannity a little while ago demand and apology. I don’t want her to make an apology because it wouldn’t be a sincere one. She meant what she said and now she has to live with it. I suspect this will all blow over soon, even though it was a very revealing and disgusting remark.

Hey Michelle, if you don’t love this country, don’t let the screen door hit you on your way out!

Reply 26—Posted by: PHILLY1787, 2/19/2008 4:35:33 PM

I guess what conservatives have said for years is true: when you are awarded accolades, admissions to schools and jobs based on innates characteristics such as race rather than achievement, you don’t value those things very much. Of course she’s not proud, she’s never done anything to be proud of because liberal whites have given her a yellow brick road to walk on her entire life because of her race.

Reply 27—Posted by: safesword, 2/19/2008 4:40:25 PM

26…reality checking post of the day

Reply 28—Posted by: Poliskeptic, 2/19/2008 4:49:27 PM

“But she showed something like contempt for even the idea of actual policy talk. “I know voters like a plan,” she said. “What’s the details, tell me about your policies. Plans are important, I agree… . But a lot of this stuff isn’t rocket science.””

She is either a grand manipulator or a kumbaya naive woman. Remember her admonition before a speech: “Don’t think, Barak, feel.” Her plan: hold hands and hope and dream. That will solve all the problems of the world.

Our hard-working ancestors who founded and strived with every ounce of their beings to make our country great must truly be spinning in their graves that drivel like this is coming out of the mouth of someone who is married to the man that may become our next president.

Reply 29—Posted by: Eugen0, 2/19/2008 4:51:37 PM

Choosing between a Shillary, and a Michyella is really difficult, both are Socialist, and both are full of crap!

Reply 30—Posted by: troskallvara, 2/19/2008 5:00:05 PM

How is it that a thesis can be sealed until a certain date?

Reply 31—Posted by: gargoyle, 2/19/2008 5:03:04 PM

Where was this article published? Oh, not in the NY Times? Sure the shine has come off. The Weekly Standard has an immense following.

These people are a much bigger threat than the Arkansas grifters. Try pointing this statement out to any liberal you know or any member of the press. Please note the response. It wont be embarrassment or even an agknowlegement of a misstatement. They will agree with Michelle.

Yeah, beating Obama in the general will be a cakewalk.

Reply 32—Posted by: njdittos, 2/19/2008 5:07:56 PM

I’m still waiting to have millions of people swoon over me. Then, for the first time in my adult life, I’ll be proud to be American. After all, it’s All About ME!

Reply 33—Posted by: wchandler, 2/19/2008 5:13:56 PM

Are Obambi and PIAPS really the best the Democrats can do? Scary!

Reply 34—Posted by: CadillaqJaq, 2/19/2008 5:16:34 PM

A couple of days ago, Barack Obama was explaining to us, the ”unwashed” that words have meanings; that in response to Hillary’s admonition that a speech doesn’t trump results.

Will his explanation back up his wife’s words as having meaning, or will he flip amd say it was just rhetoric?

Question, if Obama is proud to be an American, where is his Old Glory lapel flag pin? And, will he ever place his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Alligiance or the playing of our National Anthem? Just curious.


Reply 35—Posted by: NorthernDog, 2/19/2008 5:17:41 PM

I’m afraid the National Christmas Tree at the White House will become the National Kwanzaa Tree if she had her way.

Reply 36—Posted by: fb2002, 2/19/2008 5:18:54 PM

BIG mistake that plays directly into liberals hate America (they do!) I’m with Cindy, I have always been proud of America.

Reply 37—Posted by: Bazi, 2/19/2008 5:28:36 PM


What a whiney ingrate. She should be counting her blessings. How many higher achievers can’t get into Princeton because of reverse discrimination? But I could see why she might be bitter. Thanks to affirmative action, she never earned anything honorably or honnestly.

My son has a black friend at UWMadison who is sick of the way he is treated. Not because the professors are hostile, but they are obsequious.

The unintended consquences of liberalism seem to leave people with holes in their souls that long to filled by the government.

Reply 38—Posted by: jasmine, 2/19/2008 5:29:35 PM

Wow! Ms. Obama managed to insult the United States and the American people without missing a beat.

I would have expected at least a small expression of gratitude from someone blessed with such a privileged life. Had she been born anywhere else on the planet, I’m guessing the world would never have heard of Michelle Obama. This woman doesn’t belong in the White House. She’s too busy keeping score.

Reply 39—Posted by: Nam65-66, 2/19/2008 5:34:22 PM

One empty suit + one empty dress = one empty White House.

Reply 40—Posted by: redbadge, 2/19/2008 5:47:34 PM

I agree that if anything is going to sink Obama, it’ll be Michelle’s mouth. OTOH, she’s the reason he is now considered “black enough” where he wasn’t before.

Reply 41—Posted by: planetgeo, 2/19/2008 5:51:11 PM

This is big. It may very well be the equivalent of the Howard Dean moment, when the candidate is suddenly stripped of the artifice that had been carefully built to conceal the fundamental flaws. Once revealed, the previous aura is irretrievably gone and people begin to defect or at least to openly question everything the candidate says.

Self revelation in this case is self destruction.

Reply 42—Posted by: CEP, 2/19/2008 5:51:48 PM

I have no qualms about voting for a black person to be President, but I do have qualms about a black person using their race to insult America. Michelle and Barak strike me as black first, American second and they have no interest in looking at all Americans. This country has it’s faults but it goodness towards all people outweigh any faults, if the Obama’s haven’t figured that out, they have no business being in the White House.

Reply 43—Posted by: PHILLY1787, 2/19/2008 6:20:11 PM

Let them eat quotas.

Reply 44—Posted by: pomom, 2/19/2008 6:38:28 PM

Now that Cindy McCain has spoken up about this, Michelle Obama is already saying that she’s ”really proud” of America. It appears she was taken to the woodshed and told to zip it.

Reply 45—Posted by: SheikYerBooty, 2/19/2008 6:40:23 PM

Michelle doesn’t miss an opportunity to trash America.

Reply 46—Posted by: dches, 2/19/2008 6:41:57 PM

You have it surrounded #42. The Obama Osama’s have a bad case of the Black ‘Tude, especially Miss “I’m Black and I made it in spite of Whitey” Michelle. It is exactly what you say. Black First, American Second, all the way. If you want to see white backlash in this country, put these two in the White House. It won’t take very long. In my opinion, she revealed her whole world when she made that “Proud” statement. She meant what she meant and it was not a misinterpreted or innocent statement, in spite of the damage control now being deployed on this to make it something that it was not. She said it, and she really, really meant it.

Reply 47—Posted by: repgal, 2/19/2008 6:48:20 PM

As my husband said, this “Hate America” movement has got to end. This might be the beginning of that end.

Reply 48—Posted by: JLoophole, 2/19/2008 6:53:23 PM

It was an awful thing to say, but I’m so glad she said it. It’s great insight into the soul of this woman and millions like her, black, white or any color in between.

Just more kind of manipulation of the victim status…and only one man, her man with the bad morning breath, can save them.

Reply 49—Posted by: Mo Gumbo, 2/19/2008 6:56:20 PM

For about the nine-hundredth time in my adult life, I feel really, really grateful to be an anonymous small cog in the great American machine that has created freedom and inspiration for the rest of the world the last 230 years. Thank you Lord for not bringing me into the world an angry ingrate who lives even better than 99% of the people in the richest country in the world.

What’s Michelle trying to be, the first black Hillary?

Reply 50—Posted by: Coy860, 2/19/2008 7:00:00 PM

I wonder if the first decorating she would do would be to have the WHITE House painted a different color?

Reply 51—Posted by: ForNow, 2/19/2008 7:15:23 PM

“There seem to be some unresolved anger issues here” is the comment under the Must Read link. That comment gets to the heart of it, and leaves more of an impression than Last’s article does.

Reply 52—Posted by: Buckeye11, 2/19/2008 7:16:23 PM

Mo Gumbo you said it all!!! Not I will sit back and wait for her apology for assuming we are all racist.

I’m waiting……

Reply 53—Posted by: readitfirst, 2/19/2008 7:17:12 PM

I wonder if she’d say that directly to the solders who have volunteered 4 years of their lives to ensure she has the freedom to flap her mouth as she has. What an imbecile.

Reply 54—Posted by: slickwillie2001, 2/19/2008 7:18:00 PM

Not to forget, Michelle has been brought up in the age of the race huckster and career victimhood. All her life she has been told that she is black and that means that she will be discriminated against by ‘the man’. She has been taught that she cannot succeed without the help of liberal democratic party programs.

Some minorities pick themselves up and reject this propaganda, and some don’t. Perhaps she did not. But all liberals are to blame, not just black liberals.

Reply 55—Posted by: gone2pot, 2/19/2008 7:18:49 PM

Instead of seeing America as a place which afforded her the opportunity to create a blessed life, Mrs. Obama seems to view it as a place where some “people” are always trying to hold her back.

It looks like Oprah succeeded in holding her back. Apparently, Michelle wanted to be The Oprah and is bitterly disappointed she isn’t.

It says something about her view of this nation, and of her husband and herself, that she seems to find it so difficult—their own experience notwithstanding—to feel gratitude for and pride in her country.

Yeah geez, I see Michelle’s point. Just think how much better off she’d be if she were born in Cuba.

Reply 56—Posted by: chillijilli, 2/19/2008 7:26:27 PM

A caller notified Dennis Prager today that MC’s comments had been edited and that he should watch the *video* of her speech to see what she actually said. If you listen to the audio version alone, you will hear a click just before she says, “…proud of my country.” She actually *does* say the words “really proud of my country.” Prager listened, agreed and was outraged by the edited version that is sweeping the talk shows. It can be argued whether the word “really” actually changes her message, but it’s probably prudent to compare the widely circulated audio with the actual video.

Reply 57—Posted by: mollybob, 2/19/2008 7:31:14 PM

Have to disagree with the posters who think Michelle is Black first and American second. She is African second and American 458th. She has NO loyalty to this country except that which she can exploit from it and call it her entitlement.

Reply 58—Posted by: bemused2, 2/19/2008 7:35:53 PM

I didn’t get to go to Princeton Law School…..wah wah wah

Reply 59—Posted by: geoinphoenix, 2/19/2008 7:44:14 PM

The tragedy is there are millions more just like her, and they’re not all black. Remember that Obama said he wouldn’t wear an American flag pin because it was a “political statement”. He also wouldn’t hold his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Alligence. I think we know what Mz. Obama meant. She’s never been proud of America as long as whites were the majority. Kudos to Cindy McCain for speaking out.

Reply 60—Posted by: pianogirl88, 2/19/2008 7:48:13 PM

I heard part of her speech last night and was surprised to hear her emphasis on how much debt they’d been in (from school bills?) and it was Hussein-Obama’s two books that got them out of debt. Seems to me she’s had a couple of big paying corporate boards that she’s sat on, bringing in hundreds of thousand dollars each year. The many clips I’ve heard of her speech from last night do seem to have a ”bleep”just before she says the word ”proud”, but I don’t see that inserting the word ”really” into the mix changes her message at all.

Reply 61—Posted by: Akuhead, 2/19/2008 7:58:36 PM

Was the click edited in or the word ”really” edited out? I think it does make a difference.

Reply 62—Posted by: Brokenglassrep, 2/19/2008 8:02:40 PM

I wonder why Hillary hasn’t come out and said she’s always been proud of America. I’m sure the left would crucify her. Dems will always hate America.

Reply 63—Posted by: chillijilli, 2/19/2008 8:09:32 PM

The word “really” was edited out.

Reply 64—Posted by: donna quixote, 2/19/2008 8:12:51 PM

Michelle has previously said that she is black FIRST. I don’t remember what was next. I think she may be one of those with an enormous chip on her shoulder. They go to a church that puts black first. If they get in the White House, they will be celebrating Kwanza. Between the socialist ideas of her husband and her racist statements I hope he’s not the candidate. He might just win.

Reply 65—Posted by: udanja99, 2/19/2008 8:18:23 PM

Yep, America has been so bad to her that she now lives in a 1.6 million dollar house in Chicago.

Listening to her speak you wouldn’t know that she’s black. She talks white, dresses white, straightens her hair—odd behavior for someone who hates whitey.

Reply 66—Posted by: gop_guys, 2/19/2008 8:19:38 PM

We’re big basketball fans at our house. We travel a lot and watch some very good bball games. It is a sad thing to see two teams meet at center court for the national anthem where whites hold their hands over their hearts and blacks do not. It speaks volumes. There is still a lot of bitterness and unforgiveness…even today.

Reply 67—Posted by: noddy, 2/19/2008 8:24:24 PM

Had to take a phone call so muted the TV. Boy, she looks as though she has a mouth on her.

Reply 68—Posted by: rocket scientist, 2/19/2008 8:29:15 PM

What a dumb thing to say. Michelle Obama sounds like a perfect example of a spoiled rotten Limousine Liberal. Has anyone seen pictures of the mansion she shares with Barack? Pure ostentation bettered only by AlGore’s ridiculous energy-hog of a home. Well I guess John Edwards with his castle of a house is the supreme example of a Limousine Liberal, dishonorable member of the blame-America-first radical Leftist crowd.

Reply 69—Posted by: CompanyClerk, 2/19/2008 8:32:06 PM

Ref. #65.

Yes, she talks white, dresses white, straightens her hair…butt she’s black!

Reply 70—Posted by: Annie5622, 2/19/2008 8:42:32 PM

What difference does the word “really” make? Listen to the whole speech. Two-thirds of the speech was “really” anti-American, anti-white. That certainly wasn’t the only sentence in that speech to make ya go, HUH?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 19, 2008 11:16 PM | Send

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