L-dotters cheer fall of “Hildebeest,” not realizing they are cheering rise of Obama-god

The L-dotters are rejoicing at the sinking fortunes of the Hillary Clinton campaign, as laid out with brutal relish by Karen Tumulty in Time. They are living in the past. They don’t understand that the “clean” Obama is far more dangerous.

- end of initial entry -

John Hagan writes:

If anyone wants to know what we are up against with the Obama candidacy one need only look at the Deval Patrick phenomenon in Massachusetts. This Clinton apparatchik drew large adoring crowds in his 2006 election for governor, with the obligatory young women fainting and thousands of balding, pony-tail besotted grey haired baby-boomers screaming in joy that a black man was going to be elected governor.

Patrick won in a walk, and has been the mediocrity some of us predicted he would be. Obama seems to be on the same roll. There was no stopping Patrick. It came on like a wave. I sense the same thing going on with Obama. I just heard he has surged ahead in polls taken in Texas today.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 14, 2008 09:51 PM | Send

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