What blacks (and most people other than whites) care about most

A reader writes from the Netherlands:

A South African acquaintance of mine who lives on the border with Mocambique, not far from Zimbabwe, sent me a joke a day ago. He is an Afrikaner and works as a vet.

In Zimbabwe old Madala (African) and his wife are sitting in their house in the pitch black darkness. They are starving and have no running water. Suddenly there is a gurgling noise in the water pipes and the faucets which have been left open start spouting water. Then the lights start to flicker and begin to burn.

Shouts Madala at his wife: “Fetch the Panga (long knife), the Whites have taken over the country again!”

The joke shows a good understanding how people loath to be under administration by a different race. Apart from us clueless Westerners of course.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 13, 2008 06:07 PM | Send

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