A bleak look at America’s present and future

Tim W. writes:

Speaking of despair, it seems pretty hard to find anything positive in last night’s results. It appears that destructive seeds planted in the Sixties are starting to blossom for the left. The fact that they’re so hysterically filled with rage at Bush, when he isn’t even a conservative, indicates that they’ve formally entered their totalitarian phase in which literally no dissent from liberal orthodoxy will be permitted. Just look at the Democratic contest, where both top candidates are from the far left. One can reasonably expect all future Democratic contests to be between their various gender, race, and orientation factions, with little if any difference between candidates on issues, since non-leftist views aren’t permitted or even recognized as having a right to exist.

Here are five problems the GOP faces:

1) The general dumbing-down of the electorate. This started in the sixties with the decline in the public schools and has been sent into warp drive by MTV and other such brain-destroying outlets. Hillary Clinton will likely be propelled into the White House by voters who could stand on Malibu Beach and not know the name of the adjacent ocean.

2) The widespread weakness, effeminacy, and dependency of the population. I recently saw a WWII newsreel on the Nazi bombings of London. The reporter spoke of how determined the British were not to allow Hitler to intimidate them, no matter how much destruction he rained down on them. Today, the reporter would have sought out crying women to vent against the British government for not negotiating a “peaceful solution” with Adolf. After all, fighting back also takes away money from “needed entitlement programs”.

3) The fruits of the sexual revolution. We now have millions of unwed women voters with kids who depend on the state to fill the father’s role. We have millions of irresponsible men voters who like that situation since it frees them up to do whatever they want.

4) Changing racial demographics. California is the template the Democrats have set for the rest of the country. A socialist banana republic where Western Civilization is outvoted by the Third World.

5) Political Correctness, which makes it impossible to address numbers one through four without being shouted down as a racist, sexist, homophobe, classist, theocrat, insensitive bigot, etc.

The Sixties leftists hated our country and set out to destroy it, and they pretty well have done so. If it weren’t for the Internet, imagine how hard it would be to dissent in today’s society. The GOP is no longer the vehicle for dissent that it was during the Reagan years when he challenged the orthodoxy. McCain symbolizes the submission to the orthodoxy by the one overt political outlet the “unimportant” people in “flyover country” possessed.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 06, 2008 09:54 AM | Send

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