Paul mania and Romney Derangement Syndrome come together in a Perfect Storm

A reader sent the following from The Paulunteer, a pro-Ron Paul website, concerning a radio interview between Mark Larsen and Mitt Romney:

This audio is awesome, simply awesome. This Larsen guy deserves a handshake.

In the linked radio interview Mitt Romney says that Ron Paul deserves to be laughed at.

Mark Larsen refers to Romney as an a-hole and a screwball in response and vociferously proclaims that he will be voting for Ron Paul instead.

8:20 in length. Well worth a listen.

Mark Larsen of 1040 AM WWBA interviewed Mitt Romney on the morning of 1/29/2008. The sneers and chuckles from slippery Romney pushed him over the edge and drove him to support the only real candidate—Ron Paul.

If you are a Mitt Romney supporter then after you listen to this I hope you will give serious consideration to switching your vote to a man who is respectful and honest and who does not treat the political process like one big running joke.

Well, I wondered what terrible behavior Romney had engaged in that he deserved such an attack. I listened to the interview, and to the harange by the host, Mark Larsen, after Romney got off the interview, and then I wrote back to the reader:

This is disgusting. This Mark Larsen is a disgusting person. Shame on you, for sending me this harangue by this low-life and thinking that was something good. Romney’s conduct and statements were perfectly reasonable. He answered Larsen’s questions on this crackpot tax scheme intelligently and patiently, and repeatedly gave his reasons why he thought it wouldn’t work. There was nothing sneering or slippery about his answers. Larsen wanted to keep engaging him on this scheme while Romney is in the middle of a election battle, and Romney finally excused himself. Romney didn’t bring up Ron Paul. It was Larsen who, looking for a fight, said, “By laughing at this, you’re laughing at Ron Paul,” and it was only then, in response to that comment, that Romney said, “Yes, I’m laughing at Ron Paul, someone who blames America when jihadists attack us should be laughed at.” Which is a reasonable and true statement that I agree with.

And the second Romney got off the air Larsen, like some nutcase ranting on a street corner against his enemies, went crazy and began attacking Romney as though Romney were the worst person in the world.

- end of initial entry -

Cindy writes:

I was born and raised in Tampa and have spent most of my life here. I’ve been a fan of Mark Larsen’s through the years, but I have to say, even before reading your post and listening to his interview with Mitt (which I didn’t happen to hear the other morning), I was so disappointed to hear him excoriate Mitt. I completely agree with you, after listening to the interview, that Mitt was nothing but cordial and respectful. Mitt certainly has every right to ridicule the crazy things Paul says. I’ve lamented to more than one family member that for every good idea Paul has, he has at least three crazy ones (of course, I may have read that somewhere—maybe even on your website…I stay pretty busy and can’t keep it all straight).

This morning, Larsen was continuing his diatribe against Mitt, referring to him as “Preppie Boy.” He often gets riled up at people, but he is especially animated about Romney. It seems out of all proportion.

I don’t get how so many people can’t get over, or at least recognize, their jealousy. I’ve had many debates with people where I have tried to communicate the idea that you shouldn’t “envy the rich nor pity the poor.” Mitt can’t help being born with brains and good looks anymore than someone else can help being born homely and poor. It’s irrational not to see this.

It seems to me that Larsen’s and other media members’ vicious attacks on Romney are simply a manifestation of Auster’s Law of Minority-Majority Relations (can’t remember exactly what you term it)—the more one Presidential candidate stands out among the others in terms of intelligence, accomplishment, and looks, the more he must be torn down so as to make them all appear more equal. How dare Romney have it all! That’s just not fair!

Norm P., who sent and recommended the Mark Larsen interview and diatribe to me, replies:

I despise Romney, Obama, and Socialists everywhere. Romney’s study into politic science is obviously nil. The man’s an idiot on par with Hillary and Bush. Larsen had this guy nailed.

By the way, all tax schemes are crackpot tax schemes. TAXATION IS THEFT.

It is the main plank of the every socialist system ever devised.

This little episode proves what tonight’s “debate” proved: socialists hate Paul. Note Paul’s 15 seconds of participation. Note how long McCain and Romney are allowed to blather endless, saying nothing, going nowhere.

Yep, the idiot actually said that “someone who blames America when jihadists attack us should be laughed at.” (God save us from a Romney presidency.) He’s not a nutcase. He’s just plain ignorant. Will he EVER say anything intelligent?

What Ron Paul and his supporters are is tough. They would never crumble over such an attack. This is nothing. If you’d been following the campaign, you’d know that Paul has been smeared and called crazy a thousand times more than this.

I encourage you to take off the blinders on, Larry. And shame on you for supporting a flaming socialist.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 30, 2008 07:10 PM | Send

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