Discouraging outcome in Florida

I’ve been watching the returns for the last hour and a quarter and at about 9:10 p.m. the AP and FOX have projected McCain as the winner. What in the world are these Republican voters thinking? They know McCain’s career as a saboteur of the Republicans and conservatives in Congress. Just a few months ago they had turned against him over his support for amnesty. And now they forget all this? And they choose this angry egomaniac over an upstanding highly capable opponent who towers over McCain as a human being and is so obviously better suited for the presidency? The liberals of course are cheered. There has been an interesting debate over at the Corner as to whether a McCain victory would effectively finish Romney or not. I don’t know the answer to that, but if this liberal crank McCain wins the Republican nomination, then I agree with Rush Limbaugh that it’s the destruction of the Republican party as we’ve known it. Which is of course what the liberals, and McCain, and Giuliani have sought all along. But if that’s what happens, so be it. The Republican party has never been a conservative party per se. If it truly ceases to be a vehicle for conservatism, then a new and better vehicle will be called into being.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 29, 2008 09:12 PM | Send

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