It’s tight

Going into the Florida primary, it’s still neck and neck. The RCP average shows McCain at 29.9 and Romney at 29.1, with the faded Giuliani an amazingly distant third at 15.4, the amiable Huckster at 12.8, and the “Blowback” man at 3.9. Let us remember that a few months ago everyone was derisively dismissing Romney as too weird, with too many changes to be taken seriously. But his good qualities and capabilities, even if he’s not a stalwart conservative, have stood out, as the flaws in the other candidates have become more and more apparent, and now the man everyone dissed is in a very good position to win Florida. If Romney is not conservative enough for you, he’s not conservative enough for me either, but that’s not the thing to be focusing on right now. The thing to be focusing on now is that the open-borders egotist John McCain be stopped from winning the Republican nomination.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 29, 2008 01:49 AM | Send

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