Dowd on Rudy and Billary

Maureen Dowd is of course a famous hater, but she can let off a good one from time to time. On Rudy Giuliani’s sputtering presidential campaign in Florida, she writes:

His deep investment in one state and a one-dimensional message do not seem to have paid dividends. He needs to quit talking about 9/11 and dial 911. His numbers have dropped by half in the year he has campaigned here. The more he has wooed, the less he has won. His campaign may have always been doomed, given that he was unacceptable to so many other Republicans. But the final act seems sad—sputtering, stalling and dying like a bad engine on an old car.

Also notable in this column, Dowd quotes Mitt Romney at length, and favorably. On what subject? On why the Clintons should not be sent back to the White House. Romney said at the last presidential debate:

[T]he idea of Bill Clinton back in the White House with nothing to do is something I just can’t imagine. I can’t imagine the American people can imagine….

I just think that we want to have a president, not a whole—a team of husband and wife thinking that they’re going to run the country.

Gosh, this is weird. In a single Maureen Dowd column, I’m on the same side as Dowd on two issues, Giuliani and the Clintons. And Dowd also gives Romney a fair shake, unlike so many others. That’s three issues.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 28, 2008 02:09 AM | Send

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