Obama on Israel; Muslim representing the U.S.at the UN

When it comes to Israel, President Bush and his Twin Brain have disappeared so far into a black hole of unreality that even the left-liberal Barack Obama is better than they. See Obama’s letter to United States Ambassador to the UN, Zalmay Khalilzad.

By the way, I do not like the fact that a Muslim (Khalilzad is a Muslim and a native of Afghanistan) has such a high position in the U.S. government. Islam is incompatible with our civilization. To make a Muslim the U.S. representative to the UN conveys the opposite of that truth, and diminishes our ability to oppose the forces of resurgent Islam.

Also, from 2003 to 2005 Khalilzad was the U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan. This recent custom in which America appoints an immigrant from country X to be the U.S. ambassador to country X is all wrong. An ambassador is supposed to be representing the United States to a foreign country—not representing that foreign country.

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Howard Sutherland writes:

That last is something I’ve been saying for years—usually to blank stares.

What of Tony Garza as “our” ambassador to Mexico?!

LA replies:

I knew you would like it.

Mr. Sutherland replies:

Actually, if were in my power I would introduce a new Department of State regulation: a U.S. diplomat cannot serve as ambassador to the country of his ethnic origin. Of course, I would have one proviso to it: that restriction would not apply to serving as ambassador to the Court of St. James!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 25, 2008 01:03 PM | Send

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