What we got here is a failure to communicate

Ian Jobling at The Inverted World [later changed to White America] accuses me of “megalomania” for saying that Darwinism cannot be true, and he also accuses me of “mindlessly abusing” commenters, making “shameless distortions” of the positions of my opponents, and engaging in “furious browbeating” of them, even as he peremptorily demands that I engage in discussion with him on the issue. What’s wrong with this picture?

- end of initial entry -

Ben W. writes:

Ian Jobling says at his blog that “Auster thinks that he, a pundit with no training in biology…”

But neither did Charles Darwin have ANY formal scientific training, including biology! From what university did Darwin get his scientific credentials from?

Jobling goes on, “He doesn’t seem aware that Darwinism is the foundation of a major branch of science, biology.”

Now that is historically and factually wrong. The science of biology predates Darwin.

April 6, 2009

LA replies:

Ben’s point about Darwin’s supposed lack of formal training is inapposite. Darwin’s knowledge of biology was vast; he probably knew as much about biology as anyone alive.

Ben’s more relevant point concerns the absurdity and falsity of claiming that biology is founded on Darwinian evolution. This is pure ideological propaganda, meant to bash Darwin critics into silence. You could take away Darwin’s theory, and everything known about living things would still be known.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 24, 2008 02:19 PM | Send

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