Muslims gaining power in Canada over Canadian citizens

Ezra Levant, a Canadian conservative writer, publisher, and activist, was called before the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission this month to answer a complaint from the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada for having published the Muhammad cartoons in 2006, and for other critical statements about Islam. In his opening statement before the Commission, he protests that in violation of 800 years of English common law, the government is compelling him to answer for something he has published, and, moreover, that it—the secular government—is doing so at the behest of Muslim religious authorities.

The name, “Islamic Supreme Council of Canada,” makes it sounds like a governing body, indeed the governing body of all of Canada. If Canada had an Islamic government, wouldn’t that be its name? That is undoubtedly the impression the Muslims seek to impose. Every time Canadians refer to “the Islamic Supreme Council,” they are, just by speaking those words, giving extraordinary honor and importance to this Muslim group, acknowledging what the Muslims see as the rightful dominance of Islam.

Muslims are not doing these things because they are bad people. Their goodness or badness is irrelevant. They are simply doing what their religion tells them to do. The problem is that what their religion tells them to do is to achieve complete supremacy over us. That’s why it’s idiotic to get angry at them. Do we get angry at a beast of prey? Of course not. We confine it to where it cannot harm us. And that’s what we must do with Islam. Impossible, you say? Then life itself is impossible. Either we stop further Muslim immigration into the West and get the Muslims who are here to start leaving, or we will continue to come under their extinguishing power. There is no third option.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 18, 2008 03:29 PM | Send

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