True character and leadership are seen in the ability to say “no”

Michelle Malkin is angry, justifiably, at both parties. She writes:

I need a man. A man who can say “No.” A man who rejects Big Nanny government. A man who thinks being president doesn’t mean playing Santa Claus. A man who won’t panic in the face of economic pain. A man who won’t succumb to media-driven sob stories.

A man who can look voters, the media and the Chicken Littles in Congress in the eye and say the three words no one wants to hear in Washington: Suck. It. Up.

But she’s not finding the man she wants. She condemns the Democrats for proposing every manner of government intrusion to help the economy in its present troubles, and she’s even more disgusted with the Republicans, including Romney, including even Thompson, “the conservative’s conservative,” for me-tooing the Dems.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 16, 2008 11:39 PM | Send

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