Romney projected winner in Michigan

I turned on ABC TV at the dot of 9:00 p.m. and saw Charles Gibson come on and immediately project Mitt Romney as a solid winner in Michigan over John McCain. Romney has his Gold at last.

What will the Romney detractors say now, you know, the hordes of commentators who have been telling us for weeks that Romney is a pathetic loser, a fake, a plastic man with no common touch, no popular appeal, and that he should have dropped out of the race—on nothing but the pundits’ say-so—after New Hampshire? Oh, they’ll find other things to complain about—like he’s too perfect to be president.

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Mark A. writes:

I think you’re exactly right. They will think he’s too perfect. Now, I am not endorsing Romney just yet. I honestly haven’t followed the man that closely. However, I recognize a winner when I see one. JD/MBA from Harvard? Top five percent of his class? Co-founder of Bain Capital? This says something.

I think Bill Clinton marked the turning point in our narcissistic society: we started voting in people who made us comfortable with our weaknesses. Look at Bill Clinton—obese, smoker, boozer, drug user, womanizer. He makes the average American much more comfortable with his own flaws than a Dwight Eisenhower or a Ronald Reagan. Bush, despite being a “family man,” makes a different group of Americans comfortable with their weaknesses: the former alcoholic/womanizer born-again Christian type. Regardless of Mitt Romney’s policies, he has “command presence.” He is a winner. And in our effeminate narcissistic society, he’ll be made to pay for this.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 15, 2008 09:34 PM | Send

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