How Katie Couric prepares to report a primary

Here is a video of Katie Couric talking with off-camera collegues prior to her broadcast of the New Hampshire primary. Watching it, I at first felt it did not say anything significant about her, since it was just casual conversation. But as it went on, I realized that this is the way Couric prepares for her show, this is the level of her intellectual involvement in covering the race, this is the way she interacts with her news colleagues, at the level of a girl gigging at inanities. And I thought, this is the real Katie Couric. Not that this is a surprise, but it brought the reality home.

It’s been several election cycles since the networks have even pretended to be giving us election news. For them, the news, meaning the vote returns, is just backdrop for the real event—their own punditry and spin. They don’t deserve to be watched. If Americans ceased watching tv on primary nights and election nights and got their news elsewhere, maybe that would shock the tv people back into reporting news. Also, the anchorettes have to get rid of those low-cut tops, which are completely inappropriate to and subversive of the very idea of a news program. Is there anyone out there who can actually tell one of these blonde bimbettes from another or remember their names?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 17, 2008 12:55 AM | Send

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