Oxford bishop backs Islamic call to prayer

This is reported in the Telegraph:

The Bishop of Oxford has supported plans to broadcast the Islamic call to prayer over part of the historic city.

Welcoming proposals from Oxford’s Central Mosque to sound the call three times a day over East Oxford, the Rt Rev John Pritchard said those opposed to the plan should “relax” and “enjoy community diversity”.

The bishop also rejected claims by the Anglican Church’s only Asian bishop that sounding the call in Britain represented an attempt to “impose an Islamic character” on some areas.[story continues here.]

Jeff in England writes:

Just watched a BBC audience (no panel) debate about the comments by Bishop Nazir-Ali regarding our UK streets becoming Muslim no-go areas. Once more the British public proved that they cannot look Islam itself squarely in the eye. Yes, some audience members (Muslim and Christian and secular) agreed with Nazir-Ali, though many others did not. But the one common view was that the problems which do exist were caused by the (Muslim) “extremists,” not Islam itself.

Regarding those problems which seemed to be caused by Islamic theology, it was not the real Islam at fault but rather a cultural misinterpretation of it. So the problems of veils and female circumcision and honour killing and forced marriages had nothing to do with real Islam. Thank God for that.

I would have then asked the Christians and other non-Muslims in the audience if that is the case they would mind if Britain becomes a “moderate” Muslim majority country in the future. In other words what would be the problem for these Christians (practicing or secularised) or other non-Muslims with Britain becoming a Muslim majority country as long as “moderate” Muslims prevailed and “extremists” did not dominate. As all of the religions themselves are equivalent, what would be the problem with that?

Tell that to Salman Rushdie when the huge majority of “moderate” Muslims called for his death after he published The Satanic Verses. Tell that to the UK citizens who defended the right of Danish journalists to draw satirical political images of Mohammed and were threatened with death by so called “moderate” Muslims. Tell that to the British Muslims who have decided to leave Islam for other religions under the threat of death by so called “moderate” Muslims. Tell that to the British population who would live under Sharia Law in a Muslim “moderate” majority Britain.

Larry, there is not the will to take on Islam itself here. Instead, people of all faiths (including some Muslims) criticise Muslim “extremists” which makes them feel better. Or the cultures connected with it. The guilt driven “liberalism” so prevalent in the UK has produced a doctrine of religious “equivalence” which has penetrated so far that the possibility of the Christian British debating whether Islam itself may be unhealthy for Britain is now severely diminished.

Perhaps we need to have a Muslim takeover to make people realise the dangers of Islam itself. Of course, even then, the Christian minority would blame the bad things on Muslim “extremists” or on the cultures which UK Muslims come from. Islam…. oh it’s a religion of peace!

Oh for a Hirsi Ali or Wafa Sultan or Ali Sina or Amir Imani to emerge here. Maybe then people would begin to seriously think about the negative sides of Islam.

So what to do? I have said that we must make more effort to make alliances with the sort of dissident Muslims whom I have just mentioned above. Their voices need to be heard at every UK media debate. I have also called for further efforts by anti-Islamic conservatives to make alliances with various liberals (secular or not) as they would be the first to feel the negative effects of a Muslim majority takeover of the UK. For example, alliances with gay activists. For example, alliances with various feminists (like Phyllis Chesler who has come over to our side). For example, alliances with certain pagans/witches. All these groups would be in danger from and/or suffer under a Muslim majority. And so on and so forth. It is in their interest to stem the amount of Muslims in the country. They must be encouraged to do something about it.

This is going to take a sea change in the mindset of many conservatives who feel about liberals and liberalism as they do. But just as the West successfully united with the Soviet Union in W.W.2 to defeat the Nazis, the conservatives (in the UK and USA) must unite with various progressives to stop Islam in its tracks. And this must be done sooner rather than later. In other words, NOW.

Jeff from the remains of England

Ray G. writes:

I feel for you Jeff, I really do. Apparently common sense is not so common in England (I hate to use the name UK), just as it’s lacking sorely here in the U.S. I have great respect for England and the English people and I wish them a way out of their current woes.

I hail from Dearbornistan, Michigan, the future capital of the United Islamic States of America. I wish more people knew what we VFR folks know: there is no such thing as “radical Islam” or “extremist Islam”—there is only Islam.

The Muslims who are radical are the ones who are religious and pious, they are the true Muslims; those who are not very devoted and pious in their faith are what we call the “moderate Muslims.” However, even “moderate Muslims” would love to see their culture, language, customs, holidays, etc. spread to the West and to see Westerners “pay tribute” to those customs. Furthermore, Islam is a all-encompassing, totalitarian political ideology, not simply just another denominational faith. It constantly seeks to modify society (through force or legislation) to fit its worldview. Immigration is the technique by which it acquires the numbers necessary to act as I said, by force or legislation, therefore the immigration level of Muslims needs to be reduced.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 14, 2008 12:53 PM | Send

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