A new consideration

Richard B. wrote:

The dark side of an Obama vs. Romney race is that if Romney wins then many Obama supporters will call the election a reaffirmation of the white American racist establishment, and we’ll never hear the end of the accusations.

LA replied:

I had that thought myself earlier today. Which leads to the conclusion that it would be better for Hillary to win the nomination.

Hillary Clinton—stalking horse for white America!

LA continues:

To expand on Richard’s point, the anti-white Obama agenda that is unspoken by Obama and spoken in indirect but unmistakable terms by his malign wife means that the further his candidacy gets, the worse it gets for America, because at whatever point Obama is stopped, that will become further excuse to condemn America for its racism. If the Democrats defeat him, then it’s only Democrats who are at fault. If it’s the general electorate that defeats him, then it’s America, particularly conservative America, that is at fault.

Now supposedly blacks are not that hot for Obama, given that he’s half African and half white, with no black American in him at all. Ethnically and culturally speaking, Anglo-Saxon Americans have more in common with him than do blacks. Therefore the condemnation of white America as racist for rejecting Obama may come from liberal whites more than from blacks.

However, here’s a hopeful way of seeing an Obama-Romney race. In the very act of girding their loins and voting against and defeating this (at least superficially) highly presentable black in the general election, knowing in advance that they will be accused of racism for doing so, whites will be permanently immunized from fear of the racism charge. Excuse my fantasy.

Mark Jaws writes:

Why should we dedicated traditionalists/white nationalists give one hoot about what blacks think? Not only is there very little in common between whites and blacks with respect to attributes and historical development, but there is a vast perception gap between the races.

Way before The OJ Simpson murder trial, my political mentor, the late Paul Callahan, a North Carolina conservative activist, warned me of the futility of trying to sell conservatism to blacks. To prove his point, he tasked me to come up with a socio-politico-economical question for which there was a very obvious answer. It being 1985 and my serving as an intelligence officer at the battalion level, I came up with the simple question, “Was the military better under Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan?” To me, a slam dunk easy question, for which there could only be one answer. Well, 19 of 20 whites and 10 of 12 Hispanics thought the military was better under Reagan. But 18 of 20 blacks thought the opposite.

This should not surprise anyone, particularly when you have blacks believing they built the pyramids and that the Jews of the Bible looked like Whoopi Goldberg and Denzel Washington.

Bottom line—why care about what a self-delusionary demographic thinks about us? Why even mention it? Our future is in no way tied to the black perception of whites.

LA replies:

Mr. Jaws has caught me out doing something I don’t think I ever did before: acting like your standard white and caring about whether minorities or liberals think whites are racist, and trying to find ways to avoid that. I don’t know how I got into that. Of course it doesn’t matter whether Obama is stopped by the Democrats or stopped in the general election, and which of those events would result in conservatives being more attacked as racists. The thing is that Obama be stopped.

If, however, Obama does get into the White House, then it’s not a matter of indifference. The white and minority hysteria over having a black president will have a large effect on the country.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 07, 2008 08:59 PM | Send

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