British blogger charged with hate speech; Haditha “atrocity” case downgraded

A British blogger named Lionheart informs us that he faces arrest for “stirring up hatred” against Muslims. However, as several of his commenters point out, he gives no facts about the case, so it’s hard to know what to think about it. Another problem is that Lionheart uses a biblical quote that seems to suggest, though probably it wasn’t his intention, that he sees himself as a prophet or anointed one of God. Until there are some facts presented, it’s impossible to have an opinion about the charges or even to know if there are charges.

Also, see Diana West’s column today about the Haditha case. Earlier, the leftist media, namely the New York Times, and leftist Democrats, namely the ranting representative John Murtha, had played fast and loose with the “atrocity” charge against a group of U.S. Marines in Iraq. But over the last year the steam has quietly gone out of the case, with the charges against most of the defendants completely dropped, with the murder charges removed, and with only four defendants remaining. See the Times’ open expression of disappointment that it has been deprived of the Iraqi version of My Lai.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 04, 2008 10:54 AM | Send

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