Iowa tight

Checking out Rasmussen Reports to get an idea of how things look between Romney and Huckabee in Iowa, I came upon this interesting note in an article posted January 1:

Rasmussen Reports has not conducted polling in Iowa between Christmas and New Years. We have doubts about the ability to obtain reliable results during that time frame.

So, among the various strange consequences of the insane foreshortening of the 2008 primary schedule, with the first caucus in the country taking place just two days after the New Year, is that there will have been no real poll for almost 10 days prior to the vote. All I can glean from Rasmussen’s material is that Iowa is very close.

I also saw Ann Romney address a group of voters in Iowa this evening on C-SPAN. For what it’s worth, she’s definitely First Lady material. In 2000 I called the race correctly partly on the basis that Laura Bush looked like a First Lady while Tipper Gore looked like a hippie gone to seed. My main predictive method in elections is not polls and politics and what the candidates are saying, but which candidate I can visualize as president.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 02, 2008 09:04 AM | Send

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