Psst! Wanna wreck the GOP as a vehicle for conservatism? Here’s how.

Tom Piatak, writing in The American Conservative, makes a point I have been repeating not only publicly for the last year but privately to pro-Giuliani Republicans for the last several years, every time I read one of them talking up Giuliani’s “popularity” in the GOP:

If Giuliani becomes the party’s standard-bearer and is then elected, the informal prohibition against pro-choice candidates within the GOP will be shattered, and the power of social conservatives within the party will inevitably decline. The bar for future candidates will be set not by the Gipper, but by the former mayor of New York who proudly told CNN in 1999, “I’m pro-choice, I’m pro-gay rights.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 19, 2007 07:45 PM | Send

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