Could Thompson be the tortoise in this race?

“Fred ain’t dead,” says the unlikely named Quin Hillyer at the American Spectator:

[N]othing can budge [Thompson] from his belief, no matter what the polls say, that he is on the right course as the only candidate acceptable simultaneously to all facets of the old Reagan coalition while exhibiting none of the sharp edges that scare voters in the middle….

As Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee savage each other about immigration, abortion, religion and everything else under the sun, Thompson just keeps plugging away while being poised to pick up the pieces…. Now, just who is it, polls already were showing even before Wednesday’s debate, who was the second choice of the largest percentage of Huckabee’s tentative supporters? None other than Fred Thompson.

Amazing, isn’t it, how much ground the solidly conservative Thompson can make up, just by ambling along?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 16, 2007 01:34 AM | Send

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