The Most Tortured Argument of the Week Award …

… goes to Lee Harris at Tech Central Station, who declares that Mitt Romney’s religion speech, which so many people liked, was a “bomb,” but whose argument in support of that view is overly intricate and fails to persuade.

- end of initial entry -

Terry Morris writes:

I agree, this award should go to Harris without question. He doesn’t have a problem with Satan worshippers, he just wouldn’t be inclined to vote for one. LOL

On Romney, I still maintain, until someone convinces me otherwise, that his biggest blunder was in declaring that his version of religious tolerance includes the view that all faiths draw their adherents closer to God. Genuine Christians simply cannot believe or accept this, particularly about the anti-biblical anti-Christian faith of Islam which Romney lumps in with the rest. Thus Romney’s faith and his committment to the faith of our fathers has to come into question.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 08, 2007 10:49 AM | Send

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