Steyn targeted by the Muslim invasion he has never opposed

Two separate human rights commissions in Canada have agreed to hear the complaint of the Canadian Islamic Congress that Muslims’ human rights were violated by a “flagrantly Islamophobic” passage in Mark Steyn’s America Alone. At the Corner, Steyn comments:

The “progressive” left has grown accustomed to the regulation of speech, thinking it just a useful way of sticking it to Christian fundamentalists, right-wing columnists, and other despised groups. They don’t know they’re riding a tiger that in the end will devour them, too.

Hmm, and what tiger might that be? The tiger is, of course, Islam, which the West has allowed into the West by means of an immigration policy which the “Islamophobe” Steyn has never once criticized or suggested should be stopped, let alone reversed. If there is a devouring tiger inside your house, what do you do about it? Steyn’s only answer is that we should start having more babies. When will it get into Steyn’s fat head that he also has been riding the tiger that now seeks to devour him? (“They are enclosed in their own fat,” Ps. 17:10.)

Stanley Kurtz comments at the Corner:

Connect the dots and you will see that the attack on Mark Steyn in Canada is part and parcel of a world-wide assault on free speech that has already reached well into America. This is our battle. It is essential that there be widespread public condemnation of the attack on Mark Steyn. Not only does this “human rights” complaint have to fail, it has to fail miserably and with embarrassment. Otherwise, whatever the formal result, the chilling effect will be one more victory for the forces trying to destroy our rights.

The forces trying to destroy our rights come from within (the left) and without (Islam). Does Kurtz seriously believe that the leftist move to suppress all critical speech about Islam can be stopped so long we continue to allow Muslims immigrate into and live freely in the West? The more numerous and powerful the Muslims are, the more Muslim cries there are to suppress Islamo-critical speech. The problem cannot be defeated unless the tiger itself has been removed from our house. Has Kurtz shown any sign that he understands this?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 07, 2007 01:30 PM | Send

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