The life-in-death of UK Muslim woman who converted to Christianity

Karen writes from England:

Once again the religion of peace is threatening religious freedom in Britain. The daughter of an imam converted to Christianity and has predictably received death threats driving her into hiding and change of abode no less than 45 times!

The last section of this article in the Daily Mail contains the most important fact, tagged along at the end like something insignificant. A poll found that 36% of Muslims aged 16-24 living in Britain, believe that Muslims who change religion should be killed. As that is the ones who are naive enough or stupid enough to admit it, the true number is probably much higher. Now where are these Islamic reformers who, if Melanie Phillips is to believed, are fighting to have this barbaric cult reformed? It is becoming increasingly obvious that the younger generation are many times more fundamentalist than their parents.

LA replies:

What will finally drive home to Westerners the truth that Muslims are mortally incompatible with us? Apparently it was not the story last year about the poor Christian convert in Afghanistan who was forced to seek refuge in Italy because he was threatened with execution in his own country as an apostate. Maybe because that took place in Afghanistan the impression didn’t sink in. Will it be this story—a woman living in Britain threatened with death by Muslims because she became a Christian, and with a very sizable portion of the UK Muslim population supporting the law that requires her death? If this doesn’t become the fabled wake-up call, what will?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 06, 2007 02:13 PM | Send

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