Cultural Marxist shocked, shocked, that he can’t talk about God

Tony Blair, the man who eight years ago declared war against Britain as a historic nation, now complains that if you speak of your religious faith in today’s Britain, people “think you’re a nutter.” Perhaps when he said at the Labor Party conference in 1999 that his purpose was to “sweep aside those forces of conservatism,” which he defined as everything not based on the “equal worth” of all people, he did not mean to include Christianity among the retrograde forces that must be swept aside? Perhaps he thought his leftist version of Christianity, since it’s devoted to the equal worth of all people, would be exempted? Perhaps he thought that the idea of God, of a transcendent being above man, could survive in the radically egalitarian society he outlined?

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Janet R. writes:

I haven’t lived In England during the Blair premiership but the impression I get of him and his wife is that they have the smugness and complacency of people that have always skated through life without any real problems; they have been very successful in all parts of their lives and have put this down to their own superiority rather than good fortune. I have met many English and Europeans with a similar attitude. They are always the ones that look down “vulgar”Americans. They don’t understand how hard life can be for the rest of us less fortunate.

Blair lacks the humility needed to learn what Islam is all about. I guess his motivation for entering the Catholic Church is that he can now feel spiritually superior to the rest of us. Wasn’t that was the reason for his harangue about not being able to speak about God? A real Pharisee!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 26, 2007 06:40 AM | Send

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