Whither Thompson?

When Fred Thompson announced his proposal to stop illegal immigration and substantially reduce legal immigration, it was an exciting and very promising development. I thought it would give a new shape to the presidential contest and dramatically enhance Thompson’s chances. I could not have been more wrong—or so the signs thus far suggest. Over the last several weeks the horse race talk has all been about Giuliani, Romney, McCain (making a comeback) and now Huckabee, the candidate of the “Christ for open borders” contingent. Thompson’s name barely comes up. Far from rising in the polls, he’s been sinking. Here’s an article showing why that’s the case. Many pros feel that Thompson is still showing the same lethargy and detachment for which he was criticized earlier in the year, and that he simply has not gotten into the race in a serious way.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 23, 2007 07:44 PM | Send

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