Why it’s right to talk about race

Clem P. writes:

Although I have been reading your blog for some time I don’t know how I ever missed this fascinating piece and discussion, “Is it wrong for me to talk about race?” (I followed a link from John Savage on Vanishing Americans Forum.) Your points and those of most of the commentary are exact and clear on why race does matter and why we must articulate these points and positions in our defense and for our survival. As you point out race is not all that matters, but matter is does and in ways that can’t be ignored if we are to survive. We must quit shying away from race and in fact embrace it. I have nothing to add to what has already been said but wanted to thank you for the clarity of thought and your willingness to stick you neck out on this all important issue.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 18, 2007 03:49 PM | Send

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