Nigel Hastilow is ok

An earlier media report had said that Nigel Hastilow had simply stepped down from his candidacy when called to meet the Conservative party chairwoman for a talking-to, which made him sound like a complete wimp. Happily, this turns out to be incorrect. The Times of London reports that Hastilow met for an hour with the party chairwoman, who demanded that he apologize for his remarks as a condition for keeping his candidacy. He refused to apologize, and stepped down.

So, while Hastilow bumbled into a situation he should obviously have been aware of, he at least is not a Larry Summers or a James Watson. Hastilow stood by what he said, and that makes all the difference in the world. He could not become a spokesman on the immigration issue.

However, he also said that he was sorry for damaging the Conservative party, which sounded like an apology. That was unfortunate, but not fatal. Fatal would be apologizing for what he said.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 05, 2007 11:30 AM | Send

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