A European reaches out to Johnson

At the website Europe News, of which he is the editor, Henrik R. Clausen of Denmark has posted a letter he wrote to Charles Johnson. As Mr. Clausen indicates to me, his letter hits many of the same points I made in my article, “The method of Charles Johnson.” Good minds think alike. A key difference between our approaches, however, is that Mr. Clausen addresses himself directly to Johnson and speaks to him in a friendly way, believing in Johnson’s basic good will and hoping for ultimate reconciliation. By contrast, based on what I’ve seen of Johnson’s conduct, I have a darker view of him, and think he is a thug. Let’s hope Mr. Clausen is right, and I’m wrong. Otherwise, there will be no relief from Johnson’s delusions and the serious harm they are causing, as described here by Mr. Clausen:

The problem is now, as far as I see, that you have created a self-perpetuating myth of VB and anyone associated with them being some kind of evil, crypto-WP, violence-inciting blockheads, and that Europe is going down the drain because of the strength of this movement. Many people, who respect you intensely for your work against Idiotarians and Islamofascists, are taking your word for the existence of such a movement in Europe, and are intensely disgusted over Europe for it. Fortunately, there isn’t any such movement.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 05, 2007 06:10 AM | Send

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