Johnson: all catchy opinion, no reasoned argument

Brian at the Us or Them blog points out that Charles Johnson and his followers scour the Web looking for past un-PC statements by conservatives in order to denounce them. But when it comes to Johnson’s own writings, Brian has discovered an interesting fact:

… in searching for some position Johnson may have articulated in a writing where his intellect was actually tested to do some heavy thinking for more than a few sarcastic and highly opinionated sentences introducing his blog posts, it appears he has written NOTHING at can be analyzed and NO inconsistencies can be rubbed in his nose. How convenient.

Try it yourself by googling Charles Johnson and see if you can find anything of substance this so called new media leader of online conservatism has written other than catchy headlines and lead-in sentences to his articles and pithy comments on his own blog postings, there are NO essays or articles to be examined.

This is a useful discovery by Brian. However, I’m not surprised. It’s been evident from my reading of LGF over the last week that all Johnson does is toss off brief, bossy comments. Yet so low is the intellectual level of our culture today that these empty statements are greeted by his readers as revelations of guru-like wisdom.

- end of initial entry -

Also, Fjordman writes:

Charles Johnson apparently doesn’t appreciate irony.

It is very weird to see conservatives using the same tactics as leftists.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 08, 2007 02:15 PM | Send

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