Jena truth at last—where has it been?

With its mission seemingly to avoid anything hard-edged or controversial, the Christian Science Monitor is not exactly known for exposing liberal lies. Which makes its October 24 article, “Media myths about the Jena 6,” all the more astonishing. Written by Craig Franklin of the Jena Times, the piece shatters the most widely believed ideas about what happened in Jena, starting with the tree and the noose and moving on from there. Reading this, I ask why did the local D.A. Reed Walters and others not throw fiery darts back at those black Congressmen who were trying to roast them at the recent inquisition held by what seemed like the Black Congressional Caucus? Answer: You cannot disrespect the ruler. The ruler in our society is liberalism and aggrieved minorities.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 31, 2007 01:56 AM | Send

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