Summing up FP

I’m glad to see that FrontPage Magazine has commenters who grasp the basic drift of FP’s stance toward Islam. L-Seven writes:

So, repeat after me, the official FPM Mantra:

Islam is essentially moderate.
The WOT will drive the radicals into oblivion.
Iraq, like all ME countries, can be democratized.
Saudi Arabia is an American ally.
Pakistan is an American ally.
(The ‘Israeli-Pal’ conflict must be damped down to help the above.)

Really, what is the difference between Glazov, Rice and Olmert—and Bush. They are all sailing the same Ship of Fools, with us as passengers.

In the same thread, there is a Muslim named Abdullah M who seems to have some FP commenters snookered. Fortunately, others see through him.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 29, 2007 02:36 PM | Send

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