Interesting comments have come in today, especially some challenging me on—guess what—my rejection of Darwinism. I suppose that if a person wants attention, all he has to do is declare in strong terms that he doesn’t believe in the Darwinian theory of evolution of new species by random mutations and natural selection, and the world will beat a path to his door. I probably won’t get to them until tomorrow, but in the meantime, from July ‘06, here is a concise summary of my position on the evolution problem. Perhaps it, along with the other articles of mine that it links to, will adequately answer the questions that have been sent today.

Also, there is (are?) a bunch of comments that were sent last week that I still have to post.

Update: I’ve now posted and replied to several comments on evolution in the “Pre-history of mankind” entry. However, my earlier post on this, linked above, provides a fuller reply to most of the pro-Darwinian arguments.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 28, 2007 08:20 PM | Send

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